About Us
Learn about The HEART Approach.
What is The HEART Approach?
The HEART Approach is a training therapy based in transforming and creating the relationships that we need to achieve and sustain our ideal future.
HEART stands for Humanistic Existential Approach to Relationship Therapy. To put it simply, it takes a scientific and emotional approach to teaching you the skills to create abundant relationships.
Join a course or a retreat to gain this invaluable knowledge. Start living your life to it’s fullest potential with abundant relationships.
Where is The HEART Approach?
The HEART Approach is a global academy reaching cultures around the world with different mentors located in North America, Latin America, the Middle East, Europe, and the Caribbean. We offer courses online and in-person retreats.
If you are wanting to participate in The HEART Approach training there is always the right resource for you. Check out our available courses here.
What is our Professional Accrediting Academy?
The HEART Approach is accredited by the American Psychological Association Division 32 Society Of Humanistic Psychology. APA Division 32, Society for Humanistic Psychology maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
The HEART Certifications are academic trainings accredited by the Relational Path Institute.
History of The HEART Approach
Dr. Monica Mansilla founded the HEART Approach after developing her successful Relational Path Institute, a school for professionals to expand their knowledge. It was from these teaching experiences that she realized the overwhelming number of her students wanting guidance in personal growth.
Wishing everyone to have the same rich human experience, she has created the HEART Approach to help transform the relationships we have with ourselves, our partners and our community.
Join a Retreat.
Do you want to have the experience of a life time? Joining one of our retreats with set you on the path of discovering yourself, transforming your relationships, and building a positive community. To learn more about the retreats coming up check them out here.
Join a Course.
You know you need to start taking control of your life and building the future you want but you can’t make it to one of our retreats; join our online HEART course instead. Here you will gain all the same benefits as a retreat with live webinars but you get to do it from the comfort of your own home.