Our Team

Meet our incredible international team.

North America: Canada/USA


Monica Mansilla - PhD, Clinical Director & CEO

Monica has introduced several approaches to the field of psychology and is the award-winner for the 2015 Rollo May Scholarship for the Advancement of Existential Therapy. She put forward her research and created the evidence-based Humanistic-Existential Integrative Couple Therapy (EHICT) approach. This later became the Humanistic-Existential Approach to Relationship Therapy (HEART) and the Love-Awakening Workshop. Monica founded the Relational Path Institute based on the demand of the HEART approach training and workshops for professionals and participants around the world. Currently, in alliance with a wide cross-cultural adjunct faculty, Dr. Mansilla delivers this training in four continents: Asia, Europe, Oceania and America.

Dr. Mansilla’ s second major contribution to the field of Humanistic-Existential Psychology lies in the creation of the Mindfulness Based-Existential Therapy (MBExist). MBExist is delivered to the world through three different awakening retreats. Self, Joy and Heart retreats are offered in different paradise islands, igniting full transformational experiences.

Dr. Mansilla has also taught psychology and clinical interventions in several universities in the Middle East, Canada and the USA. She has additionally delivered humanistic-existential therapy training to students in China.

With her experience as a clinician, instructor, researcher and international psychotherapy trainer, Monica is an amazing person to learn from. Yet, her warm heartedness and focus on authentic relationships is what attracts people to her theories and transformational experiences.


Regional Mentors

Middle East


Anahí Ortiz-Prieto - Life Coach

Born in Venezuela, Anahí is a certified HEART coach and mentor living and loving life in Qatar. She is also a Wellness Coach, a Brain Work Recursive Therapy (BWRT) practitioner, a mindfulness-Based Relational Coach, a trained chef and a best-selling author and speaker pushing change for a better world.

Her vibrant practice is anchored in the work of reclaiming our unconditional self-worth in order to implement sustainable, lasting and loving changes in our lifestyles. She emphasizes individual, couple and team resilience, focused and purpose-driven intentions, so that we can collectively transform the world with authenticity and compassion.

Anahí believes it is our duty to transcend blockages, challenges and limitations to create a lasting legacy for future generations and she knows that implementing the principles of the HEART theory is key to doing this work and to transforming our relationships, starting with the one with ourselves.



Francesca Matrella - Life Coach & Educator

Born in the UK, Francesca is an experienced educator and coach, currently working towards a Master’s Degree in Integrative Psychotherapy. Her passion for HEART began at a workshop whilst living in Qatar and her experience of the HEART journey has been a cornerstone in her strive to live wholeheartedly.

Working both online and face to face, Francesca offers a person-centred approach to support individuals on their journey to living fully and authentically in a way that is aligned with their values and purpose. Her work as a coach supports individuals to draw upon their resourcefulness to develop the mindset and tools they need in order to transcend challenges and empower them to live the life they want.


Carmita Prieto - Life Coach & Spanish Division Director

Born in Venezuela and practicing in Spain, Carmita is the Relational Path Institute director and leader for the HEART approach in all Spanish speaking countries in the world. She is an experienced consultant, mentor and coach, who merges her 40-year experience with concepts and methods from personal growth to lead leaders towards a new global paradigm of fulfilling success in life, career and business.

She helps individuals, couples and organizations gain the clarity and focus needed in order to bring their vision into successful fruition.

She dreams of creating a movement of people who wake up with enthusiasm for their day ahead and close their day feeling satisfied with who they are and what they do, which in her view is having fulfilling success.

 Caribbean: Barbados


Beverly Drakes - PsyD Psychotherapist

A citizen of Barbados and the United Kingdom, Beverley is a certified HEART couple and relationship therapist and mentor, and an Integrative Relationship Therapist (IRT), with over 20 years of experience as a psychologist, NLP coach, yoga teacher and Reiki healer. She works with children, adults, couples, and organizations in a variety of settings in the United Kingdom, the Caribbean and the Middle East. 

Beverley’s IRT work includes individual child and adult assessments, face-to-face counseling, coaching, workshops and retreats. Beverly is also a social science researcher for the Educational Authorities in the UK, governments in the Caribbean as well as for other international agencies such as UNICEF. As a holistic practitioner, Beverley is passionate about facilitating lasting growth and development in individuals and couples to maximize their potential and ability to live happy and fulfilling lives.

 Oceania: Australia


David Burton - Life Coach

Born in Australia, David is a certified HEART coach and mentor. During the last 30 years David has developed, trained and facilitated many courses in cross-functional team development concentrating on collaboration, communication, decision making and conflict resolution within groups and organizations.

David’s other areas of expertise include assisting in the development of cultural mastery skills and competencies with individuals, groups and companies. His experience gives him the ability to work with people at all levels and from various cultural backgrounds to ensure all stakeholders’ needs are met.

He is an accredited cultural and business coach with over 30 years of experience in training and facilitation. David has trained across a wide variety of industries, including the oil and gas sector. He has lived in England, Japan, the USA and Qatar and has spent his career dedicated to adult learning and management development around the world. His passion is surfing the waves of SriLanka and connecting with everyone he meets, with love, compassion and empathy.